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Library Trustee Minutes 12/14/09
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim NH 03440
Board of Trustees Meeting

Date: December 14, 2009
Present:  Margaret Warner (Chair), Sandy Snow (Acting Treasurer), Colleen Giffin (Sec.), Kathryn Chisholm, Molly Lazar

I.      Agenda Approved
II.     Minutes
Minutes of 11/9/09 meeting were approved

III.    Treasurer’s report
·       Sandy Snow is temporary treasurer, while Ron recovers. Bills that got paid by town are up to date. Not all bills paid by town as of this meeting.
·       Discussed 2010 budget. Where to cut money from, selectmen want at least 5% cut.
Treasurers report: presented and accepted

IV.     Library Director’s report
·       Discussed the doors getting re-keyed. Trustees approved to get it done.

Director’s report presented and accepted
                Director’s to do list
·       Will look into writing a grant for children’s books. This is the only grant given for books.
V.      Information items
·       Friends of the Library
 Doing the adopt-a-book for Christmas
No Area trustee meeting this month. Next one in Jan. 2010 in Greenfield
File for election, 2 positions, Jan. 20-29

VI.     Old Business
2010 budget meeting with selectmen on Dec. 21, @ 5pm
Library concert selections discussed
Capital improvements: Electrical maintenance, updating software and roof repair may come under CI
Library never received generator, must discuss with selectmen about pushing CI until next year.
New Business  
·       Vacation time discussed for employees
·       Personal policy needs to be reviewed about being paid due to weather. Have to check with town policies about this as well.
·       Have to figure out a way to let the town know when library is open/closed due to weather
·       Vacation policy must be looked  to calculate vacation times

Next meeting of Library Board of Trustees:   Monday January 11, 2010